Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chap. 4 Realism And Perspective blog

Now this video game is actually one of my favorites of all time. Now I haven’t played Metal Gear 4 I have played all the others, and let me tell you they never fail to impress. This particular is a first person view as well as a over the shoulder style video game, (over the shoulder meaning that you have view of the character as well as your surroundings). The video is also a stealth /melee type of game play, you can either hide from your enemies or have an all out war. So you can say it’s point of view and first person shooter, the character feels as if moving through space. To tell you the truth I haven’t really played any video games in a while, I usually have my set favorites, as for this game I been playing this series for awhile, Snake is the main character who is also a war hero, the story is epic and that is one of the main reasons, besides the game play, that keeps people constantly buying. This game also has to do with war, although I’am against war this game has nothing but that, in fact it might even promote it. Actually, I would say it glorify’s it, but it’s not your typical infantry video game, you are a one man army and since it’s a thriller most of your enemies our almost super villain type of enemies. I would say it wouldn’t be the best game for kids seeing that a hero is related to fighting in war, no matter what.

Chap. 3 Modernity: Spectatorship, Power, & Knowledge

In the first picture it shows a girl giving a boy sexual favors, now the norm would be that if you buy puma automatically this will happen, and the other being that with out buying Puma you wont. Puma is obviously pointing out that it’s hip to dress in puma and that these clothes will get you laid.

In the second pic it shows that the norm would be people who smoke Winston’s, smoke it for taste, and the other is that people who don’t like taste smoke crap. As far as taste goes Winston rules all, if you don’t smoke Winston you are surely missing out. Only the finest of people smoke Winston.
In the third ad it’s safe tho say that the bytes are referring to the two women behind the man, which also has to do with sex. Norm is that the more bytes you have, especially if it comes from Texas Instruments, better you are. The other is that if you don’t have these bytes you are insignificant and lesser.

Ch. 2 Viewers meaning

Ch. 2 Viewers Make Meaning

Now when It come to this picture we are talking more than how it speaks to me. This picture can pretty much sum up how I have lived since I was 11 years old. I grew up riding a skateboard since I was a young boy, although I never tok as serious as I did when I turned 11. It was then I discovered Punk Rock music and the rest was history. Through many friends, especially those through High School, I discovered the fun and the freedom through both of these counter cultures. Now, when I was grew as a adolescent most of my friends were no more then 2 years older then I was, but through both the music and skateboarding I found myself hanging out with kids in High School, now their wasn’t many kids doing thins, I mean why would they. It was then I found the comradery in skateboarding, there was no such thing as a age group, skateboarding brought age groups, race, and cultures together.

I can’t say that I view this picture any different than anyone else, I mean come on this is simply, professional skateboarder and punk rock veteran, Duane Peters skating one of the famous pools in the world. He’s skating Lance Mountains pool in Monterey Park, Ca, how do I know this? Well, I used to live their, theirs a lot of history their, and the sessions never end. Well actually I guess I can say it speaks to me differently, while many others see this picture as Duane Peters skating a pool, I see it as a way of feeling at home, I don’t skate anymore so it makes me feel good looking back on pass memories, and it makes me feel proud knowing I was apart of it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog 2: Image and Ideologies

Little Girl Vs. Nazi - Watch the best video clips here

To many people around the world the skinhead is known as being an ignorant racist. I decided to post more than one picture on here to show both my strong view and the misconception from a traditional skinhead. The children in the black and white photo are known as Neo- Nazi Skinheads, they are a form of skinhead that raped and stole the look of the traditional skinhead. Back in the 60's skinhead was a subculture and was created after many mods became hippies, most mods who decided not to become hippies decided to cut their hair shorter rather than grow it longer, thus the skinhead was born. Skinheads were known for hanging out with rude boys, a Jamaican style subculture, who were black. For years the both listened to ska, a more danceable predecessor to reggae, soul, and blue beat. Original skinheads were also about being tough and clean, some skinheads in England also harassed immigrants, although most were all black and white. When the skinhead movement pretty much died in 1980 a new movement took on this look and thus Neo-Nazi bone heads were born. The picture does not show objective truth, this picture shows the ignorance of Hitler, theirs even talk of Israeli Nazis, I have seen these pictures, and it’s adopted from most countries that were fighting the Germans in WW2.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What should be covered

This is a article from a band called, Contramundi, I'm not sure if their around anymore but I browsed around and found something very interesting. Now most people in the world relate punk rock with violence, getting drunk, instense, even drug addicts, but their alot of punk rockers out their who actually try to take the lyrics in their music and pu them to use. Now their are a few things in this article I don't agree on one hundred percent but thats my oppinion, you decide. Now the first half of this article talks about veganism, to end the exploitation of all animals. I don't agree with this onehundred percent, non the less I believe it's a great topic to learn about. It says, "believing in anti speciesm means that you dont put any species in the animal kingdom above or below any other animal, human or non humam", if you diddnt no any bettr you think you were talking about a bunch of hippis, it seems that punk rock has branched off into other genras as it should, in fact it has done so since the boot boy and mod days in the 60's. The first half of this article speaks on how inn0cent animals are killed everyday because we ,America, were raised on meat. Think back on how we almost killed off the buffalos, did we know any better, probably not, but when you really think about it we shove alot of d=fast food down our kids throat. This article also talks about, Capitalism: Organized Crime, "like the meat and dairy industries, these companies are also responsible for destroying the earth. Please look into; what fast food chains are doing to the little rain forest that we have left, what big tobacco is doing when they force beagle dogs and chimps to smoke pack after pack of cigarettes to see how affected teenagers will be to the addiction". Walmart, Mc Donalds, all these multi million doller corporations taking over mom and pop stores, fast food chains destroying rain forest, these are the things going on everyday in our world. No one has any idea thats it happening,or they ignore it, what big tobacco is doing when they force beagle dogs and chimps to smoke pack after pack of cigarettes to see how affected teenagers will be to the addiction, why big chain stores like wal mart employee children and poor families across the world in exchange for a small handful of change a day after 14 to 20 hour work days.
should not be covered,2933,549981,00.html??test=faces

Elton John Can't Adopt Boy Because of Age, Gay Marriage
I picked this news article for a few reasons. One reason is I don't care for Elton John, this is my personal reason, second I feel that because the man is one of the biggest gay stars of all time he needs another spotlight. Now if this news article was about how many people can't adopt because of being gay or too old then I would think different. I believe that the entertainment business thrives too much on bull that it's manipulating how we think and it lets the media alter the news to how they want us to see it. You will also see that when you read this article they used Elton John in the story for maybe a paragraph, now before you get the wrong idea remember, I'm not a homophobe I'm simply taking a another lame entertainment story and revealing how most stars don't have to be in the spotlight 24-7. You will see they actually didn't need Elton Johns name in the story, they give you facts about this situation, many facts, but of course no ones going to read them, and you know why? No one cares about children waiting adoption in Ukraine, but if a famous person goes and tries to adopt the whole world must know, thank you Angelina now everyone one wants to adopt little Asian boys. What I'm saying is many topics in the world would be good to know or learn about if we can just start learning on our own instead of depending on a famous person to help to decide weather it's useful or not.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Firtst Post

Hello my name is James Privett, I'm 24 years old and I live in Cottonwoood ,AZ.